In the past several years, I’ve reflected on both my parent’s lives at their respective memorial services. I realized that some of what I said wasn’t ever said in person, and if it was, not often enough. After this, it occurred to me that I need to make a better effort at conveying how I feel to those around me that I love and are important to me. I am blessed and fortunate to be surrounded by my family and so many wonderful friends. You are all unique, original, interesting, dynamic, and caring people. My wealth and value are measured by all of you, which makes me rich beyond measure. I’m so thankful for all of you, and I wouldn’t be me without you.
The Gratitude Project is my way of recognizing and thanking the wonderful people that surround and support me. These are not and nor are intended to be complete biographies. Rather, they are short personal narratives of what I see as each person’s unique contributions to my life and those around them. A celebration of how meaningful all these incredible people are to me.
My hope is this will inspire others to recognize the important people in their lives in the present moment, and find a way to let them know. Note that all these are in present tense, even my parents, as your spirits are always with me.